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IAOT Structure


The supreme body of the IAOT, composed of all its members. Each member of the IAOT has one vote in the Assembly.


Statutory body acting externally on behalf of the IAOT, comprising not more than 10 members including the Executive Director of the IAOT. Members of the Board are elected (except for the Executive Director) by the Assembly from the IAOT Members. In a situation where the total number of Members of the Association is greater than one but not more than 9, each Member of the Association shall also be a Member of the Board and the Board in this case shall exercise the powers of the Assembly.

Executive Director

Responsible for  the IAOT’s daily activities and proper functioning of the IAOT. Carries out instructions given by the Board. Holds executive role between the Board meetings and controls realization of Board decisions.

Current IAOT Executive Director: Ing. Szilard Szedlar. 

General Secretary

Head of the IAOT Secretariat, responsible for all administrative activities of the IAOT.

Permanent Expert Group for Energy Efficiency

Permanent Expert Group for Legal Issues

Permanent Expert Group for Supplies

Permanent Expert Group “Efficient, Reliable and Safe Operation of Trunk Pipeline Systems”