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The 16th meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Oil Transporters took place in the form of a video conference

The conference was opened from Kralupy nad Vltavou by Mr. Marcel Kalakaj, Member of the Board of and Financial General of MERO CR, who chairs the IAOT. The participants listened to a report on the activities of the association in this year. They appreciated the continuing activities of the permanent expert groups in the format of online meetings and results of the IAOT Centre of Excellence being held in person in autumn in Prague. The participants supported the intention of the association to continue mutual consultations on current topics. The representatives of the companies agreed and approved IAOT STATEMENT on cyber threat awareness (see the full text ob web pages). Action plan for the period 2022-2023 was updated. The 17th meeting of the Board of Directors international and the contest "Best in Profession" was approved to take place in Belarus.

Centre of Excellence (CoE) took place in in the IAOT office in Prague

The meeting in Prague is conceived as an annual educational seminar for specialists and middle technical management. We managed to secure the participation of 14 colleagues (including the necessary visas) from 7 companies: MERO ČR, MERO Germany, JANAF, MOL, Transneft, TRANSPETROL, Ukrtransnafta. A team of tutors prepared three related business cases based on a model pipeline system connecting a marine terminal, an oil pumping station with a tank farm, and an oil refinery. Each of the three business cases contains a description of a problem that has arisen in one of the system’s sections. The program is constructed in such a way so the participants could make a fresh look on routine operations, such as pipeline repair, renovation of a tank farm or an installation of a measuring unit, and evaluate the influence of such operations on the functioning of the whole system.

The 15th meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Oil Transporters took place in the form of a video conference

The representatives of the companies approved the Annual Report for 2020, including the Auditor's Report, and took into consideration the work results of all four IAOT expert groups. The implementation of the Action Plan for the period 2021-2022 still depends on the safety measures taken by governments and individual member companies. The participants assessed the preparation of a pilot project of the IAOT Centre of Excellence, which is planned for autumn 2021 in Prague. They also expressed appreciation for Transneft's initiative to hold a roundtable on digitization in construction and agreed to meet on regular basis. The international contest "Best in Profession" was approved to take place in 2022 on the premises of Gomeltransneft Druzhba.

On November 26, 2020, a video conference of member companies of the IAOT was held.

The conference was opened from Kralupy nad Vltavou by Mr. Jaroslav Kocian, Chairman of the Board of the IAOT, Director General of MERO CR, who chairs the IAOT. The participants listened to a report on the activities of the association in this year and on the prospects for its development. They exchanged information on the complicated working conditions and measures taken to protect the health of their work teams against the backdrop of the pandemic. They noted the admission of the JANAF company to the IAOT members and appreciated the continuing activities of the permanent expert groups in the format of online meetings. The participants supported the intention of the association to continue mutual consultations on current topics and share good practices in the field of pipeline transportation.

The 13th meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Oil Transporters took place per rollam

The activities of the association in the first half of 2020 were significantly affected by the risks associated with COVID-19 and safety measures taken by governments and individual companies. Restrictions on travelling and personal attendance made it impossible for members and observers to meet in Minsk, Belarus. Therefore, the 13th meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Oil Transporters was held per rollam. The representatives of the companies approved the Annual Report, including the earnings for 2019 and budget for 2020. They also discussed the association's Action Plan for 2020-2021. The expert groups were advised to move their consultations to the virtual sphere and continue their planned activities there.

IAOT Permanent Expert Group for Energy Efficiency Holds Its First Teleconference Meeting

On 16 April 2020, the Permanent Expert Group for Energy Efficiency of the International Association of Oil Transporters held its 11th meeting chaired by the Group’s Leader, Director General of the PTI, LLC, Yakov Fridlyand.

The twelfth meeting of the Governing Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters took place in Almaty.

In the period from 23 to 25 September 2019 in Almaty (Kazakhstan) held an event in the framework of the twelfth meeting of the Governing Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT). The meeting and other events were attended by representatives: JSC "MERO CR", PJSC "Transneft", JSC “Transpetrol”, JSC "MOL", JSC "Gomeltransneft Druzhba", JSC “KazTransOil”, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), JSC "Ukrtransnafta" as members of the Association. As a invited guest, meeting were participated delegation of Poland company PERN, including vice president Mr Rafal Miland. The participants of the meeting in the framework of additional events, visit the museum of the city Almaty, entertainment center on the mountain Kok-Tobe, and also had a unique opportunity to get by cable car to the ski resort Shymbulak, which is located in the mountains at an altitude of 3180 m. 

The eleventh meeting of the Governing Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters took place in Saint Petersburg.

In the period from 18 to 20 June 2019 in Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation) held an event in the framework of the eleventh meeting of the Governing Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT). The meeting and other events were attended by representatives: JSC "MERO CR", PJSC "Transneft", JSC “Transpetrol”, JSC "MOL", JSC "Gomeltransneft Druzhba", JSC “KazTransOil”, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), JSC "Ukrtransnafta" as members of the Association. As a invited guest, meeting were participated delegation of Croatian company JANAF Plc., including general director. The participants of the meeting had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the branch of Transneft Baltic, Leningrad regional oil pipeline Department, "Nevsky" within the framework of the technical visit. Further, in the framework of additional events, the participants were given a unique opportunity to visit the Peterhof - the Royal Palace and one of the largest museums in the world, the Hermitage gallery.

The tenth meeting of the Governing Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters took place in Beijing.

In the period from 26 to 27 November 2018 in Beijing (People‘s Republic of China) held an event in the framework of the tenth meeting of the Governing Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT). The meeting and other events were attended by all representatives of 8 member organizations and 1 observer of the Association: JSC "MERO CR", PJSC "Transneft", JSC “Transpetrol”, JSC "MOL", JSC "Gomeltransneft Druzhba", JSC “KazTransOil”, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), JSC "Ukrtransnafta" as members of the Association and the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC-R) as the observer. The meeting participants in the framework of additional activities visited the main office of the company CNPC, where was given the opportunity to get acquainted with the of work of the PetroChina Oil & Gas Pipeline Control Center and to consider the unique gallery of paintings of the development of the oil and gas industry and the establishment of the company CNPC.

The ninth meeting of the Governing Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters took place in Prague.

After five years of the Association's existence, the place of venue of the meeting returned to the Czech Republic, Prague, where the Association was established in 2013. In the period from 26 to 27 June 2018 in Prague (Czech Republic) held an event in the framework of the ninth meeting of the Governing Board of the International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT). All representatives of 8 member organizations and 1 observer of the Association took part in the meeting and in the technical visit: JSC "MERO CR", PJSC "Transneft", JSC “Transpetrol”, JSC "MOL", JSC "Gomeltransneft Druzhba", JSC “KazTransOil”, China National Petroleum Corporation, JSC "Ukrtransnafta" as members of the Association and the Caspian Pipeline Consortium as 1 observer. The meeting participants during the technical visit had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the refinery of the company "Unipetrol" and the control center and tank farms of JSC "MERO CR" in Kralupy nad Vltavou.